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Book Reviews by Lynn

I am a copy editor and proofreader and an avid reader. Some would call me a bookworm. My favourite genres are: Romance, Romantic Erotica, Mystery, Thrillers, YA, Paranormal, Supernatural, Science Fiction, General Fiction and Children's Books. I also have a Facebook page where I put all my reviews: Book Reviews by Lynn. You are welcome to join me there too. You are welcome to follow, comment and enquire.

Baby (Species Intervention #6609, #1)

Baby (Species Intervention #6609, #1) - J.K. Accinni I received a copy of this book from the author in return for an honest review.Wow, I love science fiction, but this book is much more! It's a love story.Netty is a wonderful character. Unfortunately, she is forced to endure abuse from her rapist husband. Although badly treated, her spirit is not broken. When an opportunity to escape arises, she takes it. I loved her warm and generous heart. When she finds a hurt creature, she takes it in and looks after it. She names it Baby.Baby is an alien, who has a mission. One that gets blurred once he meets Netty. I grew attached to Baby. He has a unique way of looking at things, almost childlike. However, his mission is not altruistic.Wil is also a fantastic character. He is loving and kind, and just what Netty needs. Together, the three of them make themselves a unique family.I knew going in that this book would be dark, but I felt a bit like a rabbit caught in headlights! I was totally fascinated with this story! The violence is very disturbing, but I found myself completely hooked. I found the characters very life like, and I became very sympathetic to them. I also took an extreme dislike to Netty's husband. He deserved worse punishment for his crimes! The book is very fast paced and before I knew it, I had reached the end. The ending was a complete shock, and had me in tears. I am now looking forward to reading the next book in the series, Echo.J.K. Accinni has written an amazing science fiction story that tugs on every emotion: anger, disgust, hate, love, happiness, sadness and terror. Due to the extreme violence (abuse and rape), I do not recommend this book to young readers, or those who are squeamish or of a nervous disposition. I do, however, recommend this book if you love a well written science fiction/love story that will stay with you long after you have finished the book. - Lynn Worton